Affiliate Program 08/10/2018

Main Class
A. Strength
E3MOM 5×8 Hang Power Clean@70/80% of 1RM Hang Clean
B. Conditioning
For Time:
6 Rounds
12 DB Front Sqaut@30/22.5kg
12 T2B
Score = Reps
Coaches Notes:
Keep the bar close, stay over the bar, trying not to swing onto your heels but stay on mid foot when moving up from hang position to hip.
For the conditioning the aim is to go unbroken on the squats and the same on the rig if able with a small time to gather on the transition.
Main Class
A. Strength
Bench Press: 20 minutes to work up to a heavy single
B. Conditioning
A. For Time:
In Pairs
Complete 300 Calorie on Ski or Bike AFAP
B. For Reps:
Death by Down Up 🙂
Start at 10 reps add 1 rep every minute, if you get to minute 10 take a bonus minutes rest then go for your 20 reps.
Coaches Notes:
For conditioning part A. the calories can be broken up as you wish, would recommend if its a M/F pairing to slit 10/7.
For conditioning part B. Either push for the rep increase of keep to a set range foe 10 minutes.
Main Class
A. Strength
E3MOM 5×3 Hang Snatch@80% of 1RM Hang Snatch
20 Alt DB [email protected]/15kg
15 Air Squat
10 Over Box Jumps@30/24″
Score = Reps
Coaches Notes:
Hang Snatch Warm Up:
2 Rounds
Empty Bar
5 – Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 – Snatch High Pull
5 – Hang Muscle Snatch
5 – Hang Power Snatch
5 – Deep Hang Power Snatch
5 – Hang Snatch
(Rest 1 minute between rounds)
For Time:
Cal Row
Down Ups
Score = Time
Rest 5 minutes
For Time:
Cal Bike
Score = Time
Rest 5 minutes
For Time:
Cal Ski
Goblet Step out Lunge@32/24kg
KB Swing@32/24kg
Score = Time
Coaches Notes:
These workout should be MAXIMUM EFFORT all movements unbroken and fast. That DL weight should not more that 50% of your 1RM.
Main Class
European Championships 19.2
Main Class
5 Rounds
In Pairs
For Time:
10 Strict HSPU
20 Thrusters@70/50kg
30 Burpees Over Bar
40 Pull-ups
Score = Time
Coaches Notes:
Thruster Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Empty Bar
5 – Front Squat, slow down, fast up
5 – Front Squat, slow down, 2 second pause at the bottom, fast up
5 – Front Squat, slow down, half way up, back to the bottom, fast up
5 – Push Press
5 – Thrusters
(Rest 30 seconds between rounds)
Main Class
A. Strength
E3MOM 5×5 Deadlift@70/80%
B. Conditioning
For Time:
Russian KB Swings@32/24kg
Score = Time
Coaches Notes:
Deadlift Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10 Banded Good Mornings
10 Alt Lunges
10 Russian KB Swings
10 Alt Lunges
Barbell Class
Tuesday 7pm
Wednesday 10.30am
This will be fun 🙂
A. Work up to a heavy 3 rep Cluster
B. 10 EMOM 1 Hang Cluster@ weight reached in A.
C. E3MOM 5×5 Front Squat@75/80%
Thursday 7pm
A. “Isabel”
B. E3MOM 5×5 Back Squat@75/80%
Conditioning Classes
For Time:
5 Rounds
400m Run
30 Alt DB [email protected]/15kg
20 Air Squats
10 Down Ups
Score = Time
In Pairs
10 Over Erg Burpee
10 Calorie Row
10 Wallballs@9/6kg
Score = Time
Coaches Notes:
P1 completes all movements (30 reps) then tags P2 who does the same.
1 – 15 Over Box Jumps@24/20″
2 – 15/12 Calorie Ski
3 – 15 DB [email protected]/15kg
4 – 15/12 Calorie Bike