Affiliate Program 24/09/2018

Main Class
A. Strength
20 minutes to work up to a heavy Clean
Clean Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Empty Bar
5 – Clean Grip Deadlift
5 – Clean Pull
5 – Muscle Clean
5 – Power Clean
5 – Deep Power Clean
5 – Cleans
(Rest 30 seconds between rounds)
B. Conditioning
3 Squat Cleans@100/70kg
6 Bar Muscle Ups
9 Stict HSPUs
Score = Reps
Coaches Notes:
Aim to put 80% of what you get in part A. on the bar for the clean in part B.
Either TNG the Cleans if you’re a barbell ninja or quick singles. Go for unbroken sets or 3/3 on the BMU with a small transition time. Strict HSPU will probably be split up from the start 5/4 or 3/3/3 and used to gather your breathe and to not burn out your shoulders.
Main Class
A. Strength
E3MOM 5×5 Thruster@75/80%
Thruster Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Empty Bar
5 – Front Squat, slow down, fast up
5 – Front Squat, slow down, 2 second pause at the bottom, fast up
5 – Front Squat, slow down, half way up, back to the bottom, fast up
5 – Push Press
5 – Thrusters
(Rest 30 seconds between rounds)
B. Conditioning
For Time:
Burpess Over Bar
Score = Time
Coaches Notes:
Aim for a weight you can go unbroken on the Thrusters, this wants to be a workout you’re moving the whole time trying to keep at a constant pace. With the burpees try setting a set speed if that slows stop, recoup and go again rather than doing them slowly. This will get you used to going at speed rather than setting into a slow pace, thus improving you ability to move fast under fatigue.
Main Class
For Time:
In Pairs
100 Hang Power Clean@50/35kg
100 Wallballs@9/6kg
100 Pull Ups
100 Press Ups (must touch chest and hips to floor)
100 Over Box Jumps@24/20″
100 T2b
Score = Time
Hang Power Clean Warm Up:
2 Rounds
Empty Bar
5 – Shrugs
5 – Hang Clean Pull
5 – Hang Muscle Clean
5 – Hang Power Clean
5 – Hang Deep Power Clean
(Rest 1 minute between rounds)
Coaches Notes:
Recommend splitting up the movement into smaller increments than you first think with quick transition as this will get pretty grippy if you have to hold on for too long. On the clean, keep that bar close on way up and down, staying over the bar and driving up through mid foot.
Main Class
A. Strength
E3MOM 4×10 Back Squat@70/75% of 1RM Back Squat
B. Conditioning
1 – 3 Hang Power Snatch + 3 OHS@60/70% of 1RM Snatch
2 – 50 Double Unders
Hang Snatch Warm Up:
2 Rounds
Empty Bar
5 – Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 – Snatch High Pull
5 – Hang Muscle Snatch
5 – Hang Power Snatch
5 – Deep Hang Power Snatch
(Rest 1 minute between rounds)
Coaches Notes:
Work on staying over the bar in the Snatch and driving up through mid foot.
Main Class
250/200m Row
10 STOH@60/40kg
Score = Reps
Rest 5 minutes
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Power Clean@60/40kg
Score = Reps
Rest 5 minutes
20/15 Calorie Ski
10 Pull-Ups
Score = Reps
Coaches Notes:
Scale the reps to aim at completing each round in a 2 minute window.
If you don’t have a ski or assault bike sub out for a run instead of ab and double unders instead of ski doubling the reps on the skips.
Main Class
For Time:
In Pairs
150 Synchronised Air Squats
10 Synchronised Down Ups
100 DB Push [email protected]/15kg
10 Synchronised Down Ups
50 T2B
10 Synchronised Down Ups
25 Synchronised Alt DB [email protected]/15kg
10 Synchronised Down Ups
15 Deadlifts@140/90kg
10 Synchronised Down Ups
Score = Time
RX +
For Time:
In Pairs
300 Synchronised Air Squats
10 Synchronised Down Ups
200 DB Push [email protected]/15kg
10 Synchronised Down Ups
100 T2B
10 Synchronised Down Ups
50 Synchronised Alt DB [email protected]/15kg
10 Synchronised Down Ups
25 Deadlifts@140/90kg
10 Synchronised Down Ups
Score = Time
Coaches Notes:
Volume accordingly from the RX and RX+.
Weight according to ability at the movements.
T2B – Strict Leg/Knee Raise
Main Class
A. Strength
E3MOM 4X8 Bench Press@60/70%
B. Conditioning
Barbell Class
Tuesday 7pm
Wednesday 10.30am
A. 10 EMOM 3
Power Clean and Jerk@80% of 1RM
(Singles, not TNG, recommend hitting a rep every 20seconds)
B. E2MOM 5×4 Clean Pull@100%
C. E3MOM 5×3 Front Squat@80%
Thursday 7pm
A. E2MOM 5×1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 OHS@70/80% of 1RM Snatch
B. EMOM 10
2 Hang Power Snatch@60/70%
C. E3MOM 5×4 Back Squat@80%
Conditioning Classes
5 Rounds
400m Run
12 DB Push [email protected]/15kg
8 Down Ups
12 Air Squats
8 Press Ups
12 DB Push [email protected]/15kg
8 Down Ups
12 Air Squats
8 Press Ups
Score = Time
1 – 15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
2 – 15 DB Thrusters@15/10kg
3 – 15/12 Calorie Ski Erg
4 – 15 DB Hang Clean@15/10kg
5 – 15/12 Calorie Row
6 – 15 Over Erg Burpee
Score = Reps
In Pairs
20 Synchronised Plate GTOH@20/10kg
20 Synchronised Air Squat
20 Synchronised Down Ups
20 Synchronised Alt Lunges
20 Calorie Row (Split)
Score = Reps