Affiliate Program 15/05/2017
For Time:
Calorie Ski Erg
Hang Power [email protected]/30kg
Score = Time
Rest exactly 5 minutes
For Time:
Calorie Row
Over Erg Burpee
Score = Time
Rest exactly 5 minutes
For Time:
Calorie Assault Bike
Front [email protected]/30kg
Score = Time
Score = Overall Time
Power Snatch Drills
“Quality from start to finish, move well, then start to move well a bit quicker”
6 Rounds
10 Hang Power [email protected]/30kg 30 DU
3 Rounds
12 T2B
30 Sit Ups
A.1 Thruster
15 minutes to build to a heavy for the day
A.2 100 Thrusters@50/35kg this should be atleast 50% of A.1
Everytime you drop or stop complete 5 Over bar burpees till you complete 100 reps
Score = Time
A.1 5X5 Close Grip Bench Press
A.2 5X5 Strict C2B Pull-up
(Rest 30/90seconds)
5 Rounds for quality
15 Strict Press@20/15kg
15 Band Pullapart
15 Press Up
15 Hanging Leg Raises/Knee raises
After Class Extra
4X12 DB Shrugs
(Rest 90seconds between sets)
In Teams of 3
For Time:
2500m Ski Erg + 200 Wallballs@9/6kg
150 Calorie Assault Bike + 500 Double Unders
2500m Row + 200 Burpees
Score = Time
For Time:
Power Clean@60/40kg
Front Squats@60/40kg
Push Jerk@60/40kg
Score = Time
Rest 10 minutes
For Time:
6 Rounds
5 C&J@70/50kg
10 Pullups
Score = Time
Session 1
5 Rounds
In a 3 minute window complete
250/200m Row
12 Over Erg (Rower) Burpee
8 Calorie Assault Bike
(Rest for the remainder of the 3minutes then repeat)
Session 2
10 Calorie Ski Erg
10 DB Push [email protected]/12.5kg
10 Down Ups
10 DB [email protected]/12.5kg
10 Press Ups
Session 3
21 min EMOM
1 – Run 200m
2 – 15 OHS@50/30kg
3 – 10 Box Jumps@24/20″